How to Cold Brew Coffee

Sick of paying for Starbucks cold brew, but craving that smooth cold brew taste that you just can’t match with hot brewed iced coffee? If this sentence describes you, you’re in the right place.
In this article, we’ll go over how to cold brew coffee yourself, at home, and the different methods with which you can do so.
Stick around to become a cold brew connoisseur from your own kitchen!
Using a Machine
The most obvious option you can go for if you’re really serious about making cold brew at home is to purchase a cold brew coffee maker. This will make for a relatively hands-off brewing experience and guarantee you a degree of quality that going DIY won’t be able to.
However, this method can be very expensive. Generally, you won’t be able to find a cold brew maker under $30, and the cheaper ones will provide less quality and versatility. You’ll also have to give up some counter space with this option. If you’re just experimenting with cold brew, it’s probably best to try DIY in the beginning before moving on to making a purchase.
If you do choose to purchase a coffee maker, there are a ton of different options out there. On the cheaper end, machines such as this Primula Burke model allow you to brew cold brew through a steeping method and have your coffee ready in 24 hours.
If you want to go more hi-tech, products such as the Cold Bruer Drip Coffee Maker allow you to brew cold brew at home the way it’s done in a cafe- through the drip method. Water is slowly dripped through the coffee grounds over a period of 8 hours or more. Like the hot coffee method, but slower.
If you want your cold brew fast, you’ll want to go for a machine like Cuisinart’s Auto Cold Brewer, which, although pricey, boasts a cup of cold brew in approximately 30 minutes. For cold brew, that’s fast!
A cold brew machine can be an excellent choice if you’re serious about having cold brew on a daily basis. If not, you’d be wiser to check out some of the DIY methods to making cold brew outlined below.
DIY Methods
When it comes to cold brew, there are a lot of advantages to going DIY. First of all, these methods can be done with materials you likely already have in your house, or are cheap and easy to come by.
In addition, brewing DIY allows you to experiment with cold brew coffee without purchasing an expensive machine. That way you can see if you really like having cold brew at home before making a purchase.
If DIY sounds like something you could try, check out the methods outlined below!
Using a French Press
If you’re a coffee lover, you probably have access to a French Press in your house. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to make cold brew in this contraption!
Simply grind up your beans to a coarse grind. The ratio you should follow for cold brew coffee is going to be 4:1, four parts water to one part coffee.
Add the grinds to the French Press and add cold filtered water. Then, place in the fridge for 12-14 hours. Make sure your French Press is covered during this time. After the time is up, plunge the beans to the bottom of the French Press as normal. Just as easy as hot coffee!
Using a Mason Jar
If you don’t have a French Press on hand, you can try using a Mason Jar and filter to brew cold brew coffee. You simply put your 4:1 ratio of water to coffee in the mason jar, screw the lid on tight, and place in the fridge for 12-14 hours.
When the beans are done steeping, you can use and old shirt, mesh colander, nylon stockings, filter paper, or anything else you have on hand to filter out your beans.
Using a Tea Bag
Another popular method to brewing cold brew coffee is to use a premade or homemade tea bag. You can buy empty tea bags at most grocery stores, or you can tie up your coffee with a string and paper filter, and layering it with a nut bag or cheese cloth. Drop your homemade tea bag in your cold water, let steep, and pour after 12-14 hours.
Cold brew coffee at home is more than achievable! Whether you choose to use a coffee maker or DIY method, you’ll be sure to enjoy a fresh cup of cold brew in no time.
Let us know if you have any more questions about cold brew coffee in the comments below. We’ll be sure to help you out as best we can!